Thursday, March 7, 2013

Off Topic: PTE Play, This is War

I hope you don’t mind but I’m going a little off-topic today and I’d like to share with you my thoughts on Prairie Theatre Exchange’s production of This isWar. If you don’t feel like reading on, just know, it was fantastic and you should definitely go see it while you still have the chance. The tickets are $35 ($27 for seniors and students) and the show runs until Sunday, March 10. 

Click here to see a clip from the play.

Photo from Winnipeg Free Press (Melissa Tait)

I’ve always been a fan of Prairie Theatre Exchange. In fact, I grew up going to plays there with my mom (mostly Robert Munsch stories) and sister and I would even go so far as to say it developed my love for theatre. Here’s why it’s awesome:
  • it’s cheap (notice this is the first point) 
  • there are all sorts of plays to choose from
  • the theatre is small so you never feel like you’re that far away or like you’re “not a part of things”
  • the actors are usually really good
  • you can bring wine in the theatre (amazing, right?)
  • it’s cheap (did I say that already?)

I shouldn’t say cheap because that sounds bad – it’s affordable. When you’re young, you just can’t afford or justify spending over $100 on a night out. At least I can’t.

To be honest, I didn’t have very high expectations for This is War. I was in the middle of a busy week and the thought of driving downtown and going just didn’t seem like something I wanted to do. Also, I’m not that into war stories and was preparing myself for lots of shooting, violence, people dying, etc. I'm also kind of embarrassed to admit that I'm a sucker for the showy stuff - costumes, sets, etc. and I knew this play wouldn't have any of that. My taste in plays hasn't quite evolved like my taste in films has (who am I kidding? I love a good rom com starring Katherine Heigl). But, I am so glad I went because it was such a great play.

The set was really simple but totally caught my attention as soon as I walked in. The whole stage and even most of the ceiling was completely covered in army camouflage netting with just a few props here and there on the stage.

I didn’t really know what to expect, as I hadn’t read much about the play before I went but I was really surprised at how captivated I was with the story. I was literally on the edge of my seat at times (seriously!). Without giving too much away, the play is about four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. The story is told through each of them talking to a reporter who you don’t see or hear. Then, it is acted out showing different character’s points of view. Sounds confusing but it really wasn't. 

I really appreciated the way the script didn’t sound so “scripted”. The actors said “um” and “uh” just like normal people talk.

Overall, the play wasn’t so much about the war but more about how the war affects different people in different ways and how relationships are developed and affected throughout that war.

There’s a lot of swearing and even some sex though so just be aware, it’s not for children!

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