I found this website (blog?) with a list and description of the most disturbing films ever made. Sure, you can have gore and suspense but perhaps the movies that irk you the most are the ones that make you question humanity itself; the ones that really shake you to the core (pardon the cliche).
Click here to read it
Just a side note: I've always wanted to dress up as the guy from A Clockwork Orange for Halloween. His makeup is awesome but I don't think anyone would know who I was.
I am also very easily disturbed by scary movies. I slept with the lights on for over a week after seeing Paranormal Activity. I checked out the list of 15 most disturbing movies and just reading about them has made me feel a little bit sick to my stomach. However, for some reason I couldn't help but be somewhat compulsively curious and needing to read on. I'm now going to think some happy thoughts. Have a great holiday! Watch some christmas movies!