Thursday, February 17, 2011

Battle of the social media

Today's blog post may be off topic, however it is a useful topic to get into.

Facebook vs. Twitter - which to use when and why?

Facebook to me, is useful for keeping up with and communicating with friends or acquaintances. It's used almost solely for pleasure as opposed to business. I think it's a helpful tool for keeping in touch with people and for sharing lots of pictures. I love that I know where people I knew in high school are and what they're doing and occasionally, I communicate with them via Facebook message. It's useful in that sense if you don't have someone's email address.

Some people aren't on Facebook (frustrating, I know) but I totally get why. It's easy to forget how many people can see your photos and what you're saying. There are a lot of creeps out there and let's not kid ourselves, who doesn't like to troll their ex's Facebook to see what they're up to or more importantly, who their with now.

Twitter, although many people don't quite understand it, I actually think is more useful than Facebook. Unlike Facebook, you follow people you actually have common interests in. Tweets I read are often fun and funny but often they are of genuine use to me. I also like to follow celebrities to see what they're up to. However, some celebrities can get just plain irritating (*cough, cough, Kanye West, cough). With that said, there are way fewer people I actually know personally that have or use Twitter.

I love Twitter for the fast updates but I love Facebook because I can waste a lot more time. The pictures, videos, status updates and wall posts take a lot more time to read/view. With Twitter, I can see what's going on without wasting a lot of time.

I'll just take a moment to express my distaste for people who block their Twitter accounts. I don't want to have to send a request to follow you. It seems quite self absorbed to set your Twitter account that way. Twitter was not meant to be private. A good rule to follow: if you don't want the world to see your tweet, don't tweet it. Enough said.

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