Friday, February 3, 2012

Product Review: Poach Pods from Lee Valley

Because I use it to make one of my favourite breakfasts to make as of late, I've decided to do a product review on one of the neatest products I've been introduced to recently. They're called Poach Pods and they're from Lee Valley (which is a really cool store, by the way so check it out for cooking/home stuff). My dad got them for me for Christmas and I've been addicted to them ever since. Thanks, Dad!

Now, if you're anything like me and you like poached eggs, you've tried TONS of products out there that claim they make the perfect poached eggs. I've tried ones for the microwave and the stove and I've always ended up going back to doing the eggs right in the water. However, this method isn't perfect either because if you don't dry the eggs really well after they come out of the water, you could end up with soggy toast (I always eat my poached eggs on toast).

These little pods are really easy to use and the eggs turn out perfectly every time (I use a timer and set it for 6 minutes). This will give you runny yolks and solid whites - that's the perfectly poached that I'm talking about. All you have to do is spray with a little spritz of cooking spray and then crack one egg in each. Once the water is boiling, gently place them in (they float) and then cover with a lid.

Aside from the fact that they produce perfectly poached eggs, one of the best things about these little guys is they're easy to clean and they're so easy to store! We have so many gadgets and things in our house and space is always an issue for us. These are so small and they're made of silicon so they're flexible. They are also dishwasher safe.

I LOVE the fact that they come in a pair! No one ever has just one poached egg and I love the light green/dark green combo they come in.

(sorry for the blurry photo)


  1. Thanks so much for posting about these! I am terrible at poaching eggs! ill have to give these a shot!
