Splice is a movie I have been somewhat interested in ever since I saw the preview a few months ago. The film tells a story about two scientists who create a hybrid creature even though they are ordered not to. The creature seems cute at first but then she basically turns on them.
This might be a movie I choose to review in the future (my boyfriend, being a science guy, is quite intrigued by the concept of the film) but for now I'd like to take a moment to share my opinions about the whole concept.
Does anyone else see through the plot of this film? It is basically saying that science kills. Well, maybe it doesn't go that far but to me, the underlying message is that if humans continue to use science in the advanced ways they have been like for cloning, or in this case, gene splicing, they are doomed.
When I fist saw the trailer for this film, I thought the creature (her name is Dren, "nerd" spelled backwards)was so cute! I thought about how you could have taken the concept and made a whole different film out of it. Maybe a drama about the struggles she has with fitting in; maybe there could be a best friend or a love interest. It could have been a metaphor for how some of us feel sometimes when we don't fit in. "If you think you have it hard, look at Dren." That kind of concept.
But no, instead there had to be some sort of religious/political underlying tones (demonstrated by the horror genre and the events of the film) about the fact that manipulating nature is BAD! Express your opinion about this but please don't infiltrate my movies. Thank you.
I saw Splice a few weeks ago and to be honest, it wasn't nearly as scary as I imagined. It definitely has some disturbing content, but I thought it was more of a 'hard' sci-fi film than anything else. It's a good film and it handles its subject matter well, but I think it could've been much better.