Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Newest member to Twitter

I am excited to announce the recent social media addition to my life: Twitter.  I am now on Twitter and I am already loving it.  I have had Twitter for awhile and used it to follow different news sources so I can take a quick look and know most of the headlines (very useful for CreComm students).  However, after todays PR class, I now understand direct messages, hash tags, retweet posts and even about "Follow Friday".  This is where the Twitter community tweet recommendations for other Twitter users for interesting people to follow.  I am hoping my friends outside of CreComm will join Twitter because I think it's an excellent communication tool, with its own unique qualities, different from Facebook.  It's meant to be more public than Facebook and my favorite part is not just following what my friends are saying but also what for example, the Food Network is tweeting. 

Next goal - get my mom on Twitter (or better yet, my dad!  Who am I kidding?  That would NEVER happen!)

If you have Twitter, follow me @Pwanks

1 comment:

  1. Parents can be intimidated about trying new things in front of their kids. Go easy on them.
    But if they are smart enough to have kids they are smart enough to tweet.
