Saturday, January 8, 2011

Magazine project

The new semester has started and thus...magazine projects have begun. 

As you can imagine, I was a strong advocate in my group for doing some sort of food magazine.  We thought of cake, sushi, desserts but interestingly enough, we have decided to make a magazine about toys.

It's a little weird for me because I don't know much about toys but our magazine's "niche" is toys for cool kids who have cooler parents" or something like that.  It's not going to be a toy collector magazine, rather a magazine that informs/introduces parents to what kind of toys are out there for their kids as well as where they can be found.  Parents will also feel a sense of nostalgia as we are going to tie in lots of toys from their childhood as well. 

As much as I would have liked to do something about food, toys seem fun and we chose toys because it was the most realistic magazine from a marketing and sustainability perspective.  Now lets just hope it gets approved.

So I'd like to end this blog post with some cool "cooking" toys that I'd love to feature in the magazine.

Grand Walk-In Kitchen.  This bad boy sells for $399.99 at Toys-r-Us

Design your own pizza!

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